- Membership in a prestigious and renowned ideational institution which hosts and organizes a variety of academic, cultural and other kinds of events.
- ICG provides an opportunity to build networks, foster social relations, share information and serve the community.
- ICG allows individuals and institutions to become part of a national/global community with shared interests.
- Membership permits use of facilities of affiliated organizations/clubs of repute across India.
- Membership permits use of facilities such as rooms, conference halls, banquet halls, lawns, swimming pool, gym, and others at member rates. In addition, members are provided complimentary use of select facilities such as library/reading room, recreation room and children’s park.
- ICG provides the opportunity to attend and participate in seminars, workshops, community and social events and other programmes that are organized on a regular basis at the centre.
Category | Membership Fee (in Rs.)* | Annual Maintenance Charges (in Rs.)* |
Fellow Member | NA | 1,200 |
Honorary Member | NA | 1,200 |
Patron Member | 10,00,000 and more | NA |
Life Member | 1,00,000 | NA |
Associate Member (10 years) | 50,000 | 1,200 |
*Taxes as applicable
Type | Membership Fee (in Rs.)* | Annual Charges (in Rs.)* |
Corporate/Commercial | 2,00,000 | 20,000 |
Academic/Universities/ Statutory Bodies/Associations | 50,000 | 10,000 |
*Taxes as applicable
- The Admission Fee and Maintenance/Annual Charges are non-refundable and required to be paid immediately after the approval of the membership
- Maintenance/Annual Charges are to be paid at the beginning of the financial year commencing April 1st, and not later than June 30th, of the same year. A late fee of the 10% of existing Maintenance/Annual Charges shall be levied if payment is made after June 30th.
- In case the new Institutional/Associate/Fellow Membership is approved in the last quarter of a given financial Year, the Maintenance/Annual Charges may be waived for that financial year.
Standard | Premium | Standard | Premium | |
1 Nov 2023 – 22 Dec 2023 | 4000 | 4500 | 5000 | 6000 |
23 Dec 2023 – 4 Jan 2024 | 4300 | 5300 | 5500 | 6500 |
5 Jan 2024 -31 March 2024 | 4000 | 5500 | 5000 | 6000 |
1st April 2024 – 30th September 2024 | 4000 | 4500 | 5000 | 6000 |
- Fellow Member
- Honorary Member
- Patron Member
- Life Member
- Associate Member
- Corporate/Commerical Member
- Academic/Universities/Statutory/bodies/Associations
1. General Terms
- The International Centre Goa (ICG) has Individual and Institutional members from across India and abroad.
- Individual must be 21 years of age or older to apply for membership.
- The fees and subscriptions payable by members in various categories are determined by the Board of Trustees of ICG from time to time.
- The Board may choose to restrict the number of members of any or all categories of membership and may close the membership of ICG whenever it deems necessary.
- All membership applications cost Rs. 500/- each + applicable taxes.
- The Fellow/Associate/Institutional Membership shall be cancelled if Maintenance / Annual Charges are not paid for three consecutive years.
2. Applying for Membership
Note: Prospective applicants are advised to consult and familiarize themselves with the Rules of the Society in the Memorandum of Association of The International Centre Goa (click here).
ICG is above all an ideational centre and its activities are devoted primarily towards contributing to a better understanding of a broad range of economic, political, social and cultural national and international issues in the form of organizing and hosting academic events such as seminars and conferences, lectures, workshops and research, and through the promotion of cultural events in the areas of art and literature, music, theatre and others.
- Applications for membership may be submitted by filling the appropriate prescribed form in original.
- All applications for individual membership should be duly proposed and seconded by two Life Members of ICG who have been members for 5 years and who should specify the reasons for proposing/ seconding the applicant. However, individuals who are based abroad may submit their applications duly proposed by one Life Member who has been a member for 5 years.
- Applications will be considered by the Membership Admission Committee which is appointed by the Board of Trustees of ICG. The Committee shall periodically review the membership applications.
- The applicant shall furnish such proof of eligibility for membership as may be required by the Board/ Committee at its sole discretion.
- The Committee shall recommend its decision to accept or reject the application to the Board. The acceptance of Membership shall be at the sole discretion of the Board. The decision of the Board shall be final and binding.
- When an application for membership is accepted by the Board, the applicant will be so informed.
- Upon payment of appropriate fee, the name of the member shall be entered into the Register of Members.
- The applicant can use ICG facilities at member rates only after approval of her/ his membership and making the necessary payments.
3. Transfer of (Individual) Life Membership
Life Membership can be transferred to the member’s spouse after his/her demise provided that such membership is sought by the spouse of the deceased member by completing the appropriate prescribed form and paying a special fee which is 25% of the Life membership fee at the time of applying for such transfer of membership.
4. Membership Cards
a) Individual Membership
- Individual Members are provided with membership cards in their name after all membership formalities including payment of requisite fees are completed.
- The Member’s spouse can apply for an additional membership card by completing the prescribed form and payment of a nominal fee of Rs. 500/- + applicable taxes.
b) Institutional Membership
- On approval of institutional membership, the institution will be advised to nominate four individuals from its organization in the prescribed form for issuing membership cards.
- The four cardholders can avail of the services and facilities of ICG including guest rooms, conference halls and other facilities as regular members at member rates. Other employees/ members of the member institution may use ICG’s facilities for official work of the institution at member rates, provided they carry an authorization in writing duly signed by one of the card holders to this effect.
- The institutions may also recommend employees (other than card holders) or their guests/ clients to avail of ICG’s services and facilities at member rates, provided the bill is raised in name of respective institutional member.
- Members are required to return their cards to ICG upon their retirement or leaving the organization or if their name is replaced by the institution. The institution, then or at any other time at its discretion, may nominate fresh member(s) in their place and also ask for fresh cards by paying a fee of Rs. 500/- + applicable taxes or such other sum as prescribed by the Board from time to time.
- The member organization should preferably submit a fresh list of card holders every year at the time of renewal of their membership.
c) Duplicate Membership Cards to Members
- Members shall inform the ICG in writing of any loss of membership cards.
- To obtain fresh membership card, a prescribed form has to be filled in and sent to us along with a fee of Rs. 500/- (+ applicable taxes), or such other sum as prescribed by the Board from time to time, for replacement of membership card.