ICG Initiatives

Clean Goa for Green Goa
To protect and save the beautiful environment of Goa, ICG has adopted a green policy of ‘Clean Goa for Green Goa’, in which our goal is to make the Centre an example of eco friendliness. So under the ‘Clean Goa for Green Goa’ campaign we installed a recycling plus composting unit at the Centre. We now segregate waste into biodegradable and non-biodegradable at source. The non-biodegradable waste like plastic, metals tins and glass bottles are recycled whereas the biodegradable waste is mixed with mud to form compost or organic fertilizer. This fertilizer is used in our organic kitchen garden “Shaak Baag”, where we grow a variety of local vegetables.
We recently installed Rainwater harvesting cum Groundwater recharging unit which harvests around 25 lakhs litre of water every year, enough for our gardens and other purposes except drinking.
Our idea is to promote a healthy environment and protect nature as we feel this step is essential, especially when our traditional non-renewable sources of energy are depleting rapidly. To see programmes held under this policy of ‘Clean Goa for Green Goa’ click here.

I Care for Goa –
ICG Initiative
As part of ‘I CARE for GOA’ initiative, we will take up issues concerning the people of Goa in general and the government, media, civil society in particular for discussion and debate. The initiative will facilitate understanding the dynamics of the issues related to improving the image of Goa, which lately has been negatively portrayed by the media and come up with concrete suggestions or recommendations on those issues.
The reason we chose ‘I CARE for GOA’ , also an acronym of ICG, because we felt that it is not only our responsibility to keep Goa Clean and Green but to also improve Goa’s image nationally as an intellectual and cultural hub. We wanted to show that we really care for Goa. To see programmes held under this initiative of ‘I Care for Goa’ click here.