The Award Ceremony of The 2nd edition of “Ideas Unleashed” ICG-Goa University Essay Competition 2016

The award ceremony of The 2nd edition of “Ideas Unleashed” ICG-Goa University Essay Competition 2016 was held on 20th April 2017. Honourable Governor of Goa Smt Mridula Sinha was the Chief Guest for the function. Professor Varun Sahni, Vice-Chancellor of Goa University, Mr. Yatin Kakodkar – President of the Board of Trustees of ICG and Dr Pushkar – Director of ICG were also present. Amey Dinesh Shenvi Sangavkar (Goa College of Engineering, Farmagudi) was awarded first place, in second place was Shashank Prakash Srivastava (National Institute of Technology Goa) and in third place was Huzefa Abdullah Ujjainwala (P.E.S’s Rajaram and Tarabai Bandekar College of Pharmacy, Ponda) . more… Photo Gallery | Report | Video | Award Wining Essays