The International Centre Goa (ICG) invites academics, journalists, public policy scholars and independent researchers to apply for ICG Research Grants (ICGRG) 2021-22.

There are two (2) grants for 2021-22.

In association with the Centre for Budget and Policy Studies (CBPS), Bengaluru, ICG is offering research grants on the following topic: Fiscal health of India’s small states. We are especially interested in proposals that examine and highlight the fiscal challenges of small states with a focus on at least two states. Proposals that include Goa as one of the case studies are especially encouraged and welcome. It is hoped that the study would also make recommendations to improve public finances in India’s small states.

Deadline: 31st July 2021 (the earlier deadline of 15th July 2021 has been extended)

In association with the Atal Bihari Vajpayee Institute of Policy Research and International Studies, MS University, Vadodara, ICG is offering research grants on the following topic: India’s Quest for Great Power Status in the Post- Pandemic Era. We are especially interested in proposals from historians, scholars of international relations and others which assess, among others, India’s hard and soft power, its strategic alliances, and its relative power status in the context of the ongoing pandemic.

Deadline: 31st July 2021

Who can apply?

Applicants must be residents of India.

The grants will not be awarded to those writing their PhD dissertations. Women and minorities are especially encouraged to apply.

How to apply?

Applicants are required to submit the following:

Short-listed applicants will be informed of ICG’s decision within 6 weeks. At that time, they must submit a full-length research proposal (including plan of work) of approximately 10 pages within 4 weeks, two sample publications/writings, and a complete cv.

The amount of the grants will not exceed Rs. 2 lakhs. An additional amount of Rs. 50,000 is set aside for a workshop at ICG after the completion of the final report.

The grants will be disbursed in three to four instalments over a 12-month period. The grants are meant to be utilized for research work (including purchase of books and some travel) and writing and cannot be used to purchase equipment.

All applications – clearly marked as “ICGRG 2021-22-Fiscal health” OR “ICGRG 2021-22-India Great Power”– must be sent by email on or before 31st July 2021 todirector@incentgoa.com
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