ICG Scholars-In-Residence Programme 2020

Thomas Manuel was selected for the 2020 Scholars-in-Residence award for his book Opium Inc.

Opium Inc. – Book discussion with Thomas Manuel, 21st August 2021 – YouTube

Opium Inc. – Thomas Manuel: Amazon.in: Books


The International Centre Goa (ICG) invites academics, journalists, writers and others to apply for the ICG Scholars-in-Residence Programme – 2020. This year, ICG will select one applicant to spend 30-45 days at ICG between May and October 2020.


Note: The programme is not open to those who are yet to begin work on a project.

Terms and conditions

    • Air travel (economy) to and from Goa;
    • Complimentary accommodation for self (and spouse/partner) at ICG for 30-45 days;
    • Food expenses of Rs. 1,000 per day for single person and Rs. 1,800 for couples at ICG;
    • Transport allowance of Rs. 15,000/20,000 for 30/45 days;
    • A stipend of Rs. 75,000-1,00,000 for 30 days or higher on the basis of seniority, the nature of ongoing work or on some other criteria as determined by ICG.
All applications – clearly marked as “ICG Scholars-in-Residence Programme 2020” – must be sent by email
on or before 30th April 2020 to: director-icg@incentgoa.com.

Note: ICG reserves the right to amend the rules and terms and conditions of the Scholars-in-Residence Programme.

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