In Programmes 2006-2007, Seminars and Conferences

Seminar on TERRORISM & CIVILISATION: THREATS TO PEACE & STABILITY IN GOA was organised by ICG on 29 Aug, 06.  Panel on Terrorism and Global Security was chaired by Shri Yatin Kakodkar, Trustee, ICG; panel on Terrorism and Impact of Society was chaired by Prof. V Shivkumar, Dean, Faculty of Social Sciences, and Director, Centre for Latin American Studies Centre, Goa University; while panel on Violence and the Public Response was chaired by Dr. V.A. Pai Panandiker, Trustee, ICG, and former Director, Centre for Policy Research, New Delhi.
Panelists were as follows:
Shri Joydeep Nayak, DIG of Police, Tripura, India; Dr. Subhash Kapila, Consultant, International Relations and Strategic Affairs, South Asia Analysis Group, New Delhi, India; Shri Hekmat Karzai Director, Centre for Conflict and Peace Study, Kabul, Afghanistan; Shri Anil Kamboj Senior Fellow, Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses, New Delhi, India; Dr. Dayanand M S, Senior Lecturer, Dept. of Management Studies, Goa University, Goa, India; Shri Arabinda Acharya, Institute of Defence and Strategic Studies, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore; Shri. Ganesh Sovani, Advocate – Mumbai High Court, India; Shri J P Singh, Chief Secretary, Government of Goa; Manguirish Pai Raikar, Vice President, Goa Chamber of Commerce & Industries, Goa; and Shri Sandesh Prabhudessai, Editor, Sunaprant, Goa, India.

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